ID&T presents AMAZE
ID&T takes the next step and unites 30 years of knowledge in a new immersive experience: AMAZE |
After 30 years of organizing dance events, ID&T has challenged its creatives and showmakers to shape this new way of going out. AMAZE can be visited from Thursday 2 September onwards at the Elementenstraat in Amsterdam.
no images were found Over the past few months, festival organization ID&T has worked on a one-hour interactive audiovisual trip in great secrecy, together with various creatives and showmakers. Today, AMAZE opens its doors at the Elementenstraat in Amsterdam. Visitors can experience a ‚journey from head to heart‘, which takes them across seven different environments with a total floor space of 3,000 square meters and filled with state-of-the-art audiovisual technology. AMAZE combines 30 years of experience in a brand-new and exciting way of going out. The experience varies from intense, interactive, and relaxing as the visitors make their way through AMAZE. The labyrinth is designed to reach visitors on an emotional level. “Bringing people into ecstasy and letting them experience the purest emotions is in our DNA. For 30 years already, to escape from reality has been the essence of what we offer. At our parties we do this over the course of a whole day, night or long weekend. Together with our creatives and showmakers from all over the world, we have worked hard in the past months to ensure that visitors experience this feeling in just one hour at AMAZE,“ says Irfan van Ewijk, managing director of AMAZE. While visitors of festivals and dance events are often presented with a pre-programmed final show, the AMAZE visitor has influence on the show themselves. With the slogan: ‚The only way out is in‘, the organization hints at the possibility of escaping the rumbling thoughts in our heads by shifting focus to the inner self. Sensors and cameras register the behavior of the visitors and respond to the various senses with light, sound, video, and other special effects, ensuring an eye-pleasing effect and many surprises. New way of experiencing Home of the dance pioneers AMAZE is suitable for children from 10 years old. A ticket costs €26.95 for 18+ and €13.50 for 18-. A reduced rate applies during off-peak hours for holders of CJP, student and city passcards. AMAZE conforms to the guidelines of the RIVM. Visitors can book a time slot up to 1 hour before their visit.